Categoría: Launch of IDiA’s Blockchain work group

The group studies immediately the creation of a shared blockchain infrastructure that allows the performance of concept tests based on this technology.

Blockchain, secure Internet data sharing technology, on which cryptocurrencies as Bitcoins or networks as Ethereum are based, is clearly trending. Proved by more than 100 assistants to the day at eTOPIA, where an animated dialogue was established about multiple aspects related with their use: maturity level, possible use cases, security, reliability, legal framework…

After the public session we established a work group focused on this matter. The group reviewed possible applications inside the framework of innovative ecosystem IDiA, highlighting those related to the improvement of logistic chains, traceability in food and pharmacy sectors, energy optimization, personal identification or banking applications.

The group set two short-term goals:

  • Collect exhaustively possible cases of business use, studying both their maturity level and potentiality.
  • Specify a creation proposal of a common Blockchain infrastructure for IDiA, that serves as a training environment as well as a testing bench for different types of prototypes.

By Published On: marzo 19th, 2018Categories: blog, Press release, Work GroupsTags: